Monday, December 13, 2010

How does JSP work ?

A JSP created by a web developer contains JSP technology specific tags along with conventional HTML tags and XML tags.
A JSP engine intrepretst the JSP tags and generates the content required. For example the content may be obtained by accessing a java bean or the data fetched from database using JDBC API or read from a file. This is further send back to the browser as HTML or XML page. The logic that generated dynamic content is encapsulates within tags or from the java bean in the server.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Queue manager

What is messaging?

  • Software (as contained in MQ and MQe) that performs for you the work of sending and receiving data between your applications, and over networks. Message delivery is assured, decoupled from the application, and your application programmers do not need to have detailed communications programming knowledge.
  • When an application wants to transfer data to another application, it puts the data into messages, and then puts the messages onto a queue.
  • The queue is owned and run by a queue manager.
  • A further application (or another part of the same one) can be configured to do one of the following:
    • The further application can retrieve those messages from the same queue.
    • The queue manager can be configured to send the messages on the queue through a connection over the network to a queue on a remotequeue manager on another computer, where another application retrieves them.
    • The destination application can pull the messages across the network when it needs them.
  • You can have many queues on one queue manager.
  • On MQe, you can only have one queue manager per JVM or process.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


What is aspect oriented programing?
It is modular implementation of cross cutting concerns. Cross cutting concerns implies to the a common set of 'need' for a group of methods.

join point - The point where the group of method/constructor has something in common, for eg : starting with exe..., we would define the join point as exe*. This mean all the methods starting with exe would have the behavior defined in the aspect.
The best part of AOP is that when you decide to remove the aspect, your program regains its original behavior. Thus when you introduce the aspect, you essentially is not changing your original code but imparting a common behavior to a set of mutually exclusive methods.